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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Cherries Good for Gout?

Cherries are good for Gout!  I have heard that from many different people I know and from the web.  

However, how much and how often should we eat? 

Then I started searching the web and got the following from BBC.

The study showed that eating cherries has 35% lower risk of Gout attack.  If taking the common anti-gout drug allopurinol at the same time, the risk is 75% lower.  It sounds pretty attractive.  However, it also stated that it needs eating up to 3 servings (10 -12 cherries/serving) over the two days before an attack.  Eating more will not gain extra benefit.   

I have not tried this out as cherries are kind of expensive in Hong Kong and are not sold very often.   I can only eat cherries couple times a year.   If you have experience of eating cherries for helping Gout attack, please share your experience with us.